About us

JDMWorld is born out of a love for all things JDM, a market that stands the test of time through dedicated fans, owners, and dreamers. Started by an enthusiast and JDM Intergra Type R Dc5 owner. Wanting to share products that I would like, or clothing I wish I could find. 

The JDM Market continues to thrive, in a world now full of new age EV product, I wanted to keep world of JDM alive, for the kids that play video games driving around in JDM cars, all of us that grew up watching the Fast and Furious movies ( when they were still about racing! ) for anyone that feels like they are part of this community of owners, dreamers and enthusiasts the this is the place for you. We are just starting out but will grow and develop and listen to all of your ideas and suggestions as we grow.

Appreciate your time and thanks for looking at JDMWorld